Do current financial uncertainties, like not having a pension, have you concerned about retirement?  If so, your not alone.  In fact, "Only 13% of Americans with at least $1 million in investable assets feel wealthy...the fear of running out of money in retirement and reliance on their own savings -rather than Social Security and employer funded Pensions - make it harder for even well positioned Americans to feel financially wealthy..." - USA Today

What We Do

One of the great things about America is that anyone who works hard, saves money and takes care of themselves can achieve the American dream.  Unfortunately, there are people and places always grabbing at your American dream due to a lack of a pension, turning the American dream into a financial nightmare.  These include Uncle Sam, big banks and Wall Street to name a few.

I hate someone or someplace trying to steal my American dream, and i bet you do too.  Now is the time to stop hating and do something smart about it.

Do current financial uncertainties like not having a pension, have you concerned about retirement?  If so, you’re not alone…

According to the USA Today, “Only 13% of Americans  with at least $1 million of investable assets feel wealthy…The fear of running out of money in retirement and reliance on their own savings – rather than Social Security and employer – funded pensions make it harder for well – positioned Americans to feel financially wealthy…”

Prevailing financial uncertainty. The ongoing financial and economic uncertainty has led even the most financially successful individuals to experience a lack of confidence. According to findings from the State of Retirement Planning Study, an alarming 82% of Americans report that recent events have significantly affected their retirement plans.

Why should you listen and pay attention?  The world can be a scary place these days.  A lot has changed.  Yet, despite the changes in the world, economy, and political atmosphere, recommendations from traditional  financial planners and the investment advising community have pretty much stayed the same.

Here is the truth we need to face:  In recent years, there have been 4 events that changed the face and future of the American retirement system.  No matter what person holds which office, these events, and their impact on the future, really cannot be changed by any politician.  They’re just facts that will affect our lives and the financial future and security of our loved ones if not prepared.

It’s no wonder retirement financial stress is at an all-time high with 3 out of 4 Americans surpassing stress to full blown anxiety.  

My dad died from an aneurysm and i believe it was brought on by stress and worry based on conventional financial planning.

I made it my sacred mission to find out how the ultra-wealthy do things differently.  I accomplished that mission.

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